Tax Credit
Tell Your Taxes Where to Go — And Feel Good About It
Arizona has selected Purpose Movement to be part of the Charitable Tax Credit. That means you can make a big difference. It’s simple: You choose to pay the state or donate to a great cause.
We find a need and fill it. Your gift to Purpose Movement provides supportive services to men, women & children experiencing homelessness in the valley, as well as blessings and love to those that need it most. All you have to do is donate to Purpose Movement today, and then claim the donation on your taxes. You will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for up to $400 if you are a single filer, or up to $800 if you are a couple. In other words, if you donate $300 to Purpose Movement, you’ll reduce your state taxes by $300. If you donate $25 to Purpose Movement, you’ll reduce your state taxes by $25. Pretty Simple! This is a great way to get reimbursed by the state of Arizona, but more importantly, find a little purpose, while impacting the world and making it better.
Impact You Can Make
Donate $400
An individual earning at least $22,100 a year can donate $400 to Purpose Movement and reduce his or her state taxes by $400
Donate $800
A married couple earning at least $50,900 a year can donate $800 to Purpose Movement and reduce their state taxes by $800
Only 3 Easy Steps
Step I
Donate up to $800 to Purpose Movement
Step II
Keep your donation receipt
Step III
File Form 321 with your taxes
Now it's time to get reimbursed by Arizona
(Please include tax year being claimed in special instructions section)
Click Donate Below Or Scan QR Code Using The Camera On Your Phone
* Note: We use PayPal as our donation processor. If you don't have PayPal, good news. Click on Donate below, then click the "Donate with a debit or credit card" option *